Public EVM-Compatible Blockchain for the Future

Urzo Network aims to be a public, EVM-compatible blockchain, offering significant advantages such as low transaction fees, fast confirmation times, double validation, and randomization for enhanced security. Urzo Network envisions an ecosystem of diverse DApps running on its blockchain infrastructure, fostering a decentralised social economy.

Platform Capabilities

To achieve this vision, Urzo Network has developed a platform that enables developers to create decentralised applications (DApps) on a public blockchain. The platform offers:

  • Open Source: Available for public use and contribution

  • Customisable: Allows developers to tailor solutions to specific needs

  • Extensible: Supports growth and adaptation over time

Addressing Blockchain Bottlenecks

Urzo Network proposes a solution to the transaction processing performance bottleneck that limits Ethereum’s adoption, particularly in finance. Key issues and Urzo Network's solutions include:

  1. Efficiency

    • Problem: Low throughput in Bitcoin and Ethereum

    • Solution: Implementing an efficient and secure consensus protocol to increase transaction throughput

  2. Confirmation Times

    • Problem: Long confirmation times (1 hour for Bitcoin, 13 minutes for Ethereum)

    • Solution: Reducing confirmation times through a new consensus protocol

  3. Fork Generation

    • Problem: Fork chains consume computational energy and time and pose security risks

    • Solution: Implementing mechanisms to reduce fork generation and improve network security

Urzo Delegated Proof-of-Authority (d-POA) Consensus

Urzo Network introduces the Urzo Delegated Proof-of-Authority (d-POA) consensus, a PoA-based blockchain protocol featuring:

  • Double Validation

    • Strengthening Security: Ensures additional verification to reduce forks

    • Reducing Forks: Enhances network stability and security

  • Randomization

    • Fairness: Guarantees fair distribution of validation tasks

    • Prevents Handshaking Attack: Mitigates risks associated with pre-arranged collusions

  • Fast Confirmation Time and Efficient Checkpoints

    • Quick Finality: Reduces transaction confirmation times

    • Efficient Checkpoints: Ensures quick and reliable network updates

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