General FAQs for Urzo Network

What is Urzo Network?

Urzo Network is an innovative solution addressing the scalability issues of Ethereum and other blockchain platforms. It utilizes a system of 10 Masternodes with Urzo Delegated Proof of Authority (d-POA) consensus, supporting low transaction fees and 10-second transaction confirmation times. Security, stability, and chain finality are ensured through techniques such as double validation, staking via smart contracts, and true randomization processes.

Urzo Network supports all EVM-compatible smart contracts, protocols, and atomic cross-chain token transfers. Continuous research and integration of new scaling techniques like sharding, EVM parallelization, private-chain generation, and hardware integration will be incorporated into Urzo Network's Masternode architecture, making it an ideal scalable smart-contract public blockchain for decentralized apps, token issuances, and token integrations for businesses of all sizes.

Does Urzo Network use PoS?

Urzo Network plans to use Proof of Authority (PoA) as the consensus mechanism. This approach aims to build an ecosystem with a strong governance structure and distributed architecture, significantly reducing the likelihood of design or development disputes.

What are your plans for listing on other exchanges? Are any major Western exchanges in the pipeline?

Urzo Network is currently listed on Binance, OKX, Kucoin, HitBTC, LBank, Huobi, and Bitfinex. With more real-world implementations and further development of the Urzo community, the project is expected to gain more exposure and attention from additional exchanges.

What kind of DApps are you expecting to be developed on the Urzo network?

Urzo Network is open to various ideas and proposals for DApps. Utilizing a combination of smart contracts and smart money to improve efficiency and reduce costs is a desirable direction for DApp development.

What problem is Urzo Network aiming to solve?

Urzo Network aims to address several key issues:

  • Network congestion on Ethereum (high transaction time)

  • High transaction fees on Ethereum

  • Lack of interoperability with Ethereum in most other blockchains

Urzo Network continuously researches and implements several scaling solutions to compete with mainstream technologies like Visa and MasterCard, which handle thousands of transactions per second. Solutions such as sharding and Proof-of-Authority-based consensus are being developed to significantly improve transaction processing performance while maintaining system security.

How does Urzo Network work? What is the architecture and consensus used?

Urzo Network uses a system of 10 Masternodes with Urzo Delegated Proof of Authority (d-POA) consensus, supporting low fees (approx. 1/100 of Ethereum's) and 2-second transaction confirmation times. Security, stability, and chain finality are ensured through techniques such as double validation.

Can you tell us more about Urzo Delegated Proof of Authority (d-POA)?

Urzo Delegated Proof of Authority (d-POA) consensus enables Urzo Network to run EVM-compatible smart contracts with almost instant transaction confirmation. The Masternode architecture involves token holders depositing 10,000,000 $URZO to become a masternode. Masternodes are selected for block creation in a round-robin manner every 2 seconds, and blocks are finalized if signed off by 3/4 masternodes. At the end of each epoch (900 blocks), masternodes that have signed finalized blocks are rewarded.

What is Double Validation?

Double Validation adds an additional trustless validation layer for security enhancement through a provable uniform distribution decentralized randomization. When a block is created by a masternode, it must be verified by another randomly selected masternode before being added to the blockchain. This process strengthens security, reduces forks, and makes Urzo Network unique among other PoA-based blockchains.

What is an 'epoch'?

An epoch is a 900-block period with a 2-second block time starting from block #1 (900 blocks x 2s/block = ~30 minutes).

Which scaling solutions will Urzo Network implement? Will you have sharding?

Urzo Network implements on-chain scaling solutions within an architecture of 18 masternodes using Urzo Delegated Proof of Authority (d-POA) consensus. Achieving 2-second block times and almost instant transaction confirmations is part of our strategy. We have also proposed integrating sharding into our current architecture and consensus. Other scalability solutions like EVM parallelization and Plasma are under active research.

What makes Urzo Network different?

Urzo Network's unique aspects include:

  • Novel Technology:

    • Urzo Delegated Proof of Authority (d-POA) consensus

    • Built-in governance DApp

    • Double Validation and Randomization

    • Sharding based on a stable masternode architecture

  • Cheap Transactions: Approx. 1/100 of Ethereum's fees

  • High Throughput: 2000 TPS to support a robust DApp and token ecosystem

  • Fast Transactions: 2-second block times

  • EVM-Compatibility: Interoperability with the Ethereum ecosystem

Unique Products:

  • UrzoScan: Displays all blocks, transactions, finality, smart contracts, DApps, and token information

  • UrzoMaster: Allows users to apply for a Masternode Candidate position and view masternode performance statistics

  • UrzoWallet: Securely stores, sends, and receives Urzo and other tokens issued on Urzo Network; tracks rewards

Ecosystem Development: Urzo Network is building its ecosystem through partnerships across various fields such as agriculture, robotics, gaming, IT solutions, advertising, pharmaceutical tracking, education and research, payment, communication, name service, food traceability, and tourism.

Which blockchain(s) are Urzo Network's main competitors?

Urzo Network competes with base layer blockchains like Ethereum, EOS, NEM, and NEO, as app developers and token issuers typically choose one blockchain to work on. However, Urzo Network adds value to the Ethereum ecosystem by addressing scalability and governance issues while maintaining compatibility with Ethereum's smart contracts and architecture.

Urzo Network is EVM-compatible. What does that mean?

EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatibility means that Urzo Network supports all EVM-compatible smart contracts, protocols, and atomic cross-chain token transfers. Any smart contract written for Ethereum can be easily ported to Urzo Network, facilitating seamless DApp development and deployment.

Can developers create hybrid DApps using both Ethereum and Urzo Network in one single DApp?

Yes, developers can create and deploy DApps on both the Ethereum and Urzo Network. This is relatively easy due to Urzo Network's support for EVM and shared architecture with Ethereum.

How does Urzo Network address security problems?

Urzo Network employs Double Validation and Randomization to enhance security. These measures address consensus-related security issues and protect against attacks such as:

  • 51% Attacks: Mitigated by Double Validation and Randomization

  • Long-Range Attacks: Prevented by providing finality (blocks signed by at least 3/4 masternodes are considered irreversible)

  • DDoS and Spamming Attacks: Low transaction fees (though not zero) require significant $URZO to flood the network, limiting attack feasibility

Last updated